Saturday, February 4, 2012

a little help :)

so I was talking to a good friend the other day, and we were discussing children. Going from 1 to more than 1 sometimes seems like a daunting task, so K sent me a link to a blog we've both followed. After I read it, I felt like I could do this :) I highly recommend this for anyone expecting their second, third, or even fourth baby. :)

Thanks, friend! :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

everyone's experience is different. I personally had a harder time with my first, and then 18 months later adding another one wasn't that hard, you are already dealing with diapers and sleep deprivation and carseats, it's not that big a deal. Grocery shopping with a carseat and a toddler is awesome,though. just don't try to compare yourself to anyone, do what you can and it will be fine. Thankfully they won't remember if you lose it sometimes,cry, or if you lay on the couch and rest while they climb on you. The main difference is that the focus is more on the toddler than the mom or baby. you relize quickly how easy newborns are, and how easy one was, and the same, the more kids you have. You are going to be amazing, don't stress...coming from a world-class worrier ;)