Wednesday, May 12, 2010


so, here are a couple pictures. I love my belly! I would NEVER in a MILLION years say that any other time, but it's a home to one of my favorite people right now, and that makes it worth everything. I am SO excited to meet this little one, and I still have about 162 days left! There's a lot to do before that happens, but I want to make sure I take the time to just enjoy every minute of this. I've been pretty lucky that this pregnancy has been relatively smooth. Even if it weren't, I'd be grateful. Heavenly Father has blessed Quenton and I so much, just with eachother, and I am overflowing with gratitude and joy that our little family is growing. Does He know us? Of course He does! Does He know what we need, when we need it? Absolutely. :) Life is so great, and I can't wait for what's to come.


Irene said...

You look so gorgeous!!!!

Blooming Mommy said...

Ur glowing...... u got the preggo glow! gotta love it! Miss u!

Somer said...

Wow! You look amazing!